Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My Shoes

I come inside and off they go
My shoes are muddy on the toe
Cause on adventures they go with me
For just today we climbed a tree
We swung on branches and jumped straight down
I did not see the mud on the ground
It got all over my shoes you see
And that is why they can’t come inside with me

In the summer I wear flipity flops
Cause it is just simply to hot for socks
In the spring I wear my running shoes
Cause running is what I love to do
And in the fall I prefer my loafers
It’s far more sophisticated for jokers
In winter time it’s boots you see
That I want tromping snow with me

My Shoes do like to get out and play
And they get sad when it’s a rainy day
Cause when it rains I stay inside
And in the closet they must hide
But when the sun comes out again
We run outside, Me and my friends.

©Trisha Shaffer 2016 

Friday, February 5, 2016

My Summertime

Warm and sweet and smells of fresh cut grass
Crisp mornings perfect for a walk
Water sparkles in the sunlight
Bees buzz around flowers still blooming
Spring takes a bow and allows summer to have a dance

Sprinklers are a child’s favorite toy
Bathing suites are worn the most
Plastic pools are also nice
Vacations are planned…even to the local pool
Summer is in full swing

Baseball and hot dogs and Soda Pop
Early mornings and glorious sunsets
Birds sing as the early morning dew is formed
Kids Run and Play, making up new games
Riding scooters until the sunsets

The earth will cool

Readying itself for a new day

©Trisha Shaffer 2016

Monday, February 1, 2016

Snow Day!

A Snow day is the best day according to my girl
Cause when you wake to only snow it makes you want to twirl
To get out of your jammies and dress extremely warm
Then put on both your snow boots and get in your best form

When all you see is white your heart will fill with glee
Don’t eat yellow snow because that means it’s…well just don’t eat it.
But we can build a snow man and make him big and tall
And when the snow begins to melt he may trip and fall

But by that time we’ll be inside warming by the fire
With hot coco in our mugs and cookies we desire
She likes Chocolate chip and I like Chocolate mint
We all agree that a snow day is the best time ever spent

When the evening rolls around we might get kinda sad

But someday we’ll have another Snow day, so it’s really not that bad.

©Trisha Shaffer 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016

A Pretty Flower - A Silly Little Poem

Oh to be a pretty flower
With a long and golden main
My Face is fuzzy and SO bright
But he loves me all the same
Or maybe does he love me not
As he’s pulling out my hair
I wish that I could hurt him back
But life’s just not that fair

©Trisha Shaffer 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

Lilly the Lama

Lilly the Lama was a silly dilly Lama that liked to go out and play
She’d leap in the air with out such a care and would dance in the fields all day
Once it was dark Lilly starred at the stars and watched them dance up in the sky
She thought “oh, how fun to be such a star and I'll be a star say’s I”
So from that moment oh Lilly walked with great pride, without care in the world
For she knew in her heart she was clever and smart and in her mind she would constantly twirl
She’d flip in the air when no one was there and imagine she’d go very high.
Way up like the Starts that dreamed she could be, oh how she wished she could fly

Lilly the Lama was the happiest Lama when darkness would cover the Land
Cause Lilly could see all her friends in the sky and she knew that her life was grand.
Lilly would snuggle and stretch in the grass that covered the fields with green
She didn’t seem to care there was giggling there and that other Lamas were mean
For she knew in her heart she was clever and smart and in her mind she had friends galore
Who would laugh and play at the end of the day and would make her heart sing once more

Lilly the Lama was a silly dilly Lama that liked to go out and play
She would dance all the night with her stars in the sky and began to sleep all the day
The other Lamas laughed at poor Lilly Lama for her foolishness with the Stars
with her chin in the air and not such a care and told them to go to mars
For she knew in her heart she was clever and smart in her mind she could do anything
And that is why if you look up to the sky you’ll see Lilly the Lama shine down
With a twinkle, Sing , Bling you can do anything to lift your self right off the ground.

©Trisha Shaffer 2016

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Puppy Saw the Cat

A Puppy was walking down the street and saw a cat
The Puppy chased the Cat around a tree
The Cat ran up the tree to get away from the Puppy
The Cat came across a squirrel
The Cat chased the squirrel across a Branch and the squirrel slipped
The squirrel fell and landed on a lizards back
The lizard became very scarred and ran right into a bush
The bush shook and a leaf fell off
The leaf blew in the wind and a Puppy was trotting by
The Puppy played with the leaf, and then he saw a cat

The Puppy chased a Cat around a tree

©Trisha Shaffer 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Short, Short Story - Flips over active imagination!

I think that my cat Flip has an over active imagination.  Sometimes when I come home from school he is sitting on the couch purring but the house has been made a mess.  I like to think that it’s because he was chasing the pirate mice away.  The mice surly came into the house to get the golden cheese and steal all of my mother fine jewelry.  But as soon as Flip saw the mice, the game was on.  He hunted them down like the dirty pirates they are and kicked them out of our house…And that is why the lamp has tumbled upside down and the drapes are coming off the rod.  It’s why the TV is on and the coffee table is on its side.  And why the fish are flopping on the floor and the flour from the kitchen has made its way around the house in little flip paw prints…Well, I think maybe flip has an over active imagination…Or maybe I do and I have one very bad cat! 

©Trisha Shaffer 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Tallest Tree

When I was three I scrapped my knee climbing up the tallest tree that I had ever saw!
It was SO big that even Mr. Keg just had to drop his jaw
My mom would yell at me and scowl when I would climb my tree
‘Cause I would not just go half way, I’d go where I could see…

Straight to the Top, I’d climb so high the wind would want me down
It would try to push and pull at me and knock me to the ground
But I would hold on very tight and look around in awe
For I could see my house from there and wave to Pa and Ma!

But when I would come down that tree id' get me every time
My knee would hold the evidence that I had had a climb
I’d walk into the house at dusk and go strait to my room
Somehow Ma knew every time and surly I was doomed

And to my surprise this latest eve when I though life was ore
My Ma just looked at me and grinned and hugged me more and more.
I only climbed my tree once more, then on the ground I stayed
I knew it safer on the ground and that’s where I then played.

©Trisha Shaffer 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It's the little things!

It's the little things...

It's not the way you do your hair or if you look just right
It's not the way you keep your room or if you’re up at night
It’s the little things that really count each and every day
It’s if you smile, sing, skip and dance along life's merry way

It will not always be about good grades or if you’re extra smart
But I may be about how you treat someone, or if you can appreciate good art
It’s the little things that really count each and every day
It’s if you smile, wink, laugh and hug along life's wonderful way

It's not about where you've been but where you'll go instead
It's not about the color of skin but what’s inside your head
It’s the little things that really count each and every day
It’s if you say and do the thoughtful things along life's amazing way...

Oh, and don't forget to pray!

Poem by Trish D Shaffer
Copyright 2016

Poem by Trish D Shaffer

©Trisha Shaffer 2016

When I was little...

When I was just a boy
My train was my favorite toy
I loved to watch it go round
As it road across the ground

When I was just a girl
I loved to laugh and twirl
My dress would flow out like a bell
Well, as far as I could tell

When I was a young little cat
This tree was where I sat
I would climb when I was bored
Oh my tree that I adored

When I was a little pup
Everyone though me a nut
I would go chasing my tail
And play with my friend the snail

©Trisha Shaffer 2016