I come inside and off they go
My shoes are muddy on the toe
Cause on adventures they go with me
For just today we climbed a tree
We swung on branches and jumped straight down
I did not see the mud on the ground
It got all over my shoes you see
And that is why they can’t come inside with me
In the summer I wear flipity flops
Cause it is just simply to hot for socks
In the spring I wear my running shoes
Cause running is what I love to do
And in the fall I prefer my loafers
It’s far more sophisticated for jokers
In winter time it’s boots you see
That I want tromping snow with me
My Shoes do like to get out and play
And they get sad when it’s a rainy day
Cause when it rains I stay inside
And in the closet they must hide
But when the sun comes out again
We run outside, Me and my friends.
Shaffer 2016
I Love it!!!